MIM Quilting Intake Form


For BASTING service:  Enter name and contact info, then n/a in each of the other required fields.

Quilt Description:  brief description of your quilt - colors, pattern, etc.


Quilt Backing Dimensions (minimum of 4 extra inches on each side).  Example:  Top is 40 x 40, backing should be at least 48x48


Quilting Pattern:  Choose a specific pattern from the Patterns tab, or quilter's choice.  If you opt for quilter's choice,   please let me know if you want the quilting dense or more loose and any general category  you prefer. If you have a specific pattern in mind that I don't have, please specify its name and specific website.


Thread color preference - specify top and back if different.  You can also just say quilter's choice.

Please complete this intake form and then submit it and I will reach out to you so we can get things going. Also, take a minute and read through the information in the "Preparing Your Quilt" section (see "More" in the menu bar).  Following those guidelines will help assure the best result!

A couple of notes:
  • I will make every effort to quilt out excess fullness and puckers (I do love a good challenge!), however sometimes it is not possible to completely remove these, which means I am not able to guarantee they will not be seen.
  • Your quilt will be ready ASAP,  generally in one to three weeks.  Rush jobs may require an extra fee, which will be determined on an individual basis.
  • If you display your quilt or photos of your quilt, please give credit for the machine quilting to MIM Quilting.   Thank you in advance!